I have never written a blog before and I am very old – at least my children tell me so. The purpose of the blog is to tell you a little bit about our business, DS Compliance, what is does and what is in it for you.
I know you have heard all of this before, but it is still worth a read. DS (Data Security) Compliance was created about 18 months ago to build a platform that would act as a one-stop-shop for CCPA. Our technical team was excellent, and we were lucky that their design head was also available to make sure that the front end looked the part.
We launched DS Dash: CCPA a year ago – winning awards and achieving modest success amongst resellers. Then something happened.
One of our partners had a client who was spending a lot of money on transcribing voice files, searching for CCPA content. Could we provide a similar service but with an emphasis on analysis so that in real-time, not only could we transcribe the file but create search parameters looking for keywords, phrases and using machine learning to identify contextually similar patterns?
Still with me? The first version of DS Dash: CCPA Voice sold into call centers and the retail sector. We were then approached by a new reseller who sells into the police and legal sector. Not for CCPA but for analysing investigations and interviews, creating their own lexicon of words and phrases.
As by now we had partnered with IBM, we received significant support in terms of services, and as we deployed Watson under the hood, that made a huge difference to the reception given by these new partners.
So it is November 2020, and now we can see that the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train. We have a fine team internally and we have built channels to markets over a wide area and providing 2021 behaves itself, we are set to have an interesting year.
I hope to add to the blog on a monthly basis and if you’d like to get in contact with us, please do not hesitate to do so.