DS Compliance, a leading developer of applications for CCPA compliance has launched a new AI-based transcription package that overcomes many of the drawbacks that affect existing transcription software.
Forming part of DS Compliance’s DASH suite and dashboard the software is the perfect accompaniment for legal teams in matters such as evidential voice files and reporting. Key features include fast implementation with multi-format capability, high processing rate, and cloud-based API links.
DS Dash: Voice Transcription uses Artificial Intelligence provided by IBM to deliver contextual searches. This means that the system learns similar phrases or words and highlights those too – even if they were not selected in the first place.
Less time is spent looking for keywords or phrases and, importantly, statements and words that would have been missed by simple searches are discovered and highlighted.
The new transcription software works across numerous languages with the capability to distinguish keywords and phrases as well as cutting through issues such as background noise and poor sound quality that can often present challenges where accuracy is essential.
DS Compliance is currently focused on the need for transcription for legal discovery work, having been trialed by legal teams for matters including time-sensitive CCPA reporting. Key features are as follows:
- Allows for a quick build dictionary – Implementation is accelerated through the compilation of a dictionary of keywords and phrases that are being sought, to in effect speed up the AI-based learning process which remains ongoing.
- Fast implementation with multi-format capability – Options range from the cloud or in-house server hosting and the software accepts most formats of sound files.
- Distinguishes between multi-speaker audio recordings – Speaker tone and pronunciation is carefully monitored to separate speakers’ dialogues to avoid blocks of transcription that might otherwise require post transcription editing.
- Colour-coded transcription by the speaker – Transcription output can be quickly analysed and cross-referenced where necessary to the original audio files, minimising downtime and maximising productivity. Keywords and phrases are also highlighted.
- High processing rate – When time availability is critical, audio files can be turned around in a couple of hours or less depending on volumes.
- Cloud-based API links – Where there is a need to integrate with existing or new workflows and software, DASH transcription software can be linked whether the requirement is via the cloud or through a server-based setup.