Please check back often for the latest news from DS-Compliance.
New Article: Meet the Insiders: Bradley Geppert, DS Compliance
This month our Meet the Insiders piece focuses on Bradley Geppert, director of DS Compliance.
A company helping UK police to harness the data and information they gather from voice files. This ranges from interviews to call centre activity as well as consulting with commercial businesses about GDPR compliance and cyber security.
New Article – AI Driven Legal Transcription Software That Works
DS Compliance, a leading developer of applications for GDPR compliance has launched a new AI based transcription package that overcomes many of the drawbacks that affect existing transcription software.
Forming part of DS Compliance’s DASH suite and dashboard the software is the perfect accompaniment for legal teams in matters such as evidential voice files and reporting. Key features include fast implementation with multi-format capability, high processing rate, and cloud-based API links…
DS Compliance & IBM Webinar: DS-Dash: Voice Analytics
Webinar featuring Omkar Nimbalkar from IBM and Bradley Geppert of DS Compliance. Discussing the new DS Compliance software offering DS Dash: Voice Analytics.
Combining IBM Watson and DS Compliance Forensic Analytics, the new service has far reaching implications.
DS Dash: Voice Analytics Services – a new AI based voice transcription service that overcomes many of the drawbacks that affect similar existing software, cutting through background noise and poor sound quality to ensure accuracy.
New Ransomware Datasheet – DS Dash: Ransomware Protection Audit
DS Compliance is delighted to announce our new DS Dash: Ransomware Audit Service.
Ransomware attacks in the UK increased by 80% in the last quarter of 2020 and hackers have targeted the weak point of mass remote working, according to security researchers at Check Point.
The findings show that the daily global average of ransomware attacks jumped 50% in the last 3 months, compared to the first half of 2020. Read our New Ransomware Datasheet to find out more about our audit service offered in partnership with Meridian.
New Law Journal Article – DS Dash: Voice Transcription
AI-driven legal transcription software that works.
Read the New Law Journal article discussing the DS Dash: Voice Transcription service from DS Compliance. DS Dash: Voice Transcription is a module of the DS Dash Suite and overcomes many of the drawbacks that affect existing voice transcription software. DS Dash offers the perfect accompaniment for legal teams in matters relating to evidential voice files and reporting.